Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Consider your Feet before Back Surgery

Common Misconception:

Back surgery is all it takes and I’ll be as good as new.

It is true that in some cases back surgery will indeed be inevitable if the damage to the tissues has been considerable. However, even if the patient does indeed require one of these highly invasive procedures, they will only be addressing the symptoms. If the cause for the tissue damage to the back is a body imbalance originating in the feet as a result of partial talotarsal dislocation, the symptoms will inevitably return and worsen until the cause is addressed. This is why we often see cases where further back surgeries are needed some time after the initial one was performed. The imbalance coming from the feet will simply shift to a different weakest link time and time again, until the source of the imbalance at the foot level is corrected.

Learn more by reading Understanding Back Pain.

Monday, December 10, 2012

GraMedica®'s HyProCure® is Scientifically Proven to Stabilize Fallen Arches

The findings showed that once the ankle bone was repositioned back to its normal position on the heel bone and stabilized by HyProCure®, there was restoration of arch height. Furthermore, the correction to the inner arch was maintained over time. Read full article here. >>>

Find a specialist near you on the Doctor Locator at www.HyProCure.com.

Foot and ankle surgeons are invited to learn more about the HyProCure® implant and minimally invasive procedure at www.GraMedica.com, where they can also train online and find a live surgical training seminar in their area.

Learn more about HyProCure® and osteo-WEDGE, GraMedica®’s latest innovative Bone Locking System at www.gramedica.com; follow updates on www.Facebook.com/HyProCure.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Back Pain: Common Misconceptions

Back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints in people of all ages. There are many types of back pain, affecting different parts of the back in different ways and with varying intensity.

We invite you to learn more about understanding your back pain, about talotarsal displacement and about HyProCure®, a permanent, minimally invasive solution that corrects the problem at its root.

Common Misconceptions about back pain:

I have back pain because everyone in my family has had it, so it’s normal.
The fact that your family members had problems with their back may not be a sign of congenital back problems. Rather, it’s much more likely that it’s a sign of congenital partial talotarsal dislocation. Genetic deformities in the back itself are possible but they are very rare, while hereditary foot problems are far more common. Your back pain — and that of your relatives — may very well be caused by a foot imbalance and the solution may be readily available to you through HyProCure®.

Back surgery is all it takes and I’ll be as good as new.
It is true that in some cases back surgery will indeed be inevitable if the damage to the tissues has been considerable. However, even if the patient does indeed require one of these highly invasive procedures, they will only be addressing the symptoms. If the cause for the tissue damage to the back is a body imbalance originating in the feet as a result of partial talotarsal dislocation, the symptoms will inevitably return and worsen until the cause is addressed. This is why we often see cases where further back surgeries are needed some time after the initial one was performed. The imbalance coming from the feet will simply shift to a different weakest link time and time again, until the source of the imbalance at the foot level is corrected.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What are the Direct Effects of TaloTarsal Displacement?

The most common reason for misaligned feet is partial talotarsal dislocation, or talotarsal displacement. This condition affects people of all ages. It occurs when the ankle bone displaces off of its normal position and its contact points on the hindfoot bones — in other words, when the balance of the ankle bone on the heel bone is lost. This creates an abnormal, inward rotation of the ankle bone and outer rotation of the rest of the foot, which in turn creates a fundamental imbalance of forces and weight distribution in the foot and also in the rest of the body.

When partial talotarsal dislocation occurs, it creates a damaging misalignment of forces in the foot, as well as throughout the entire body.

Learn what symptoms and secondary conditions may be caused by talotarsal displacement here.